In Memoriam
Bruce Jacobs

The Edgemere Community has lost a true Soldier in its fight for community equity. Bruce Jacobs was a Board member and Co-Treasurer of the newly formed Edgemere Community Civic Association. Unfortunately, we lost Bruce far too soon, he was a tireless defender for all things Rockaway, especially the Eastern End. Where he advocated for public safety and quality of life initiatives - more police patrols, lighting, sanitation, and ferry access. He was the President of the Coalition of the Rockaways, a staunch supporter, and a volunteer at NYCHA's Redfern Housing, and a 9/11 First Responder & Veteran.
A true champion of social and economic justice. He didn't just complain, he was a doer of change, a firm believer and advocate for transparency from our City, State, and Federal elected officials. We lost more than community Activists, we lost a neighbor, a friend, a warrior. Where there was a need for a voice, Bruce lent his, when you needed a fighter, Bruce was ready to knuckle up. If he had to fight alone, he stood strong! He knocked heads with the best. He went where others wouldn't!
We are forever grateful for his commitment to this community, his spirit, and his tenacity to fight until parity is achieved. Rest on, our Brother, you will be missed.
ECCA Board Members

Photo courtesy of Lisa George Facebook